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What does it mean to be Summit Safety Certified?

Summit Safety Certified Members are top tier professional contractors who are actively engaged in creating a safe work environment for their employees.  Safety culture and strategic systems are planned for, implemented, and sustained through employee orientation, training, audits, metric analysis, and overall emphasis on practicing safety behavior on the job and within the office at all times.

Safety Certification Badge

The Safety Certification Program was designed to encourage and foster Safety as a primary focus within the Trade industry businesses that Nolan Consulting Group works with. The criteria was developed with input from the Summit Safety Council, comprised of 8 business leaders from a variety of industry backgrounds, including but not limited to Landscaping, Paving, and Painting (Industrial, Commercial & Residential).


Level 1 Certification requires that Summit Members complete 8 specific criteria demonstrating their safety practices and their plan for sustaining them over time. The required 8 criteria are listed below:

CriteriaProcess for Completion
CriteriaSafety CommitteeProcess for CompletionThe Safety Committee is comprised of management and field personnel, as well as a designated employee overseeing all safety-related issues. Must meet at least once per month.
CriteriaIncident Management ProgramProcess for CompletionThe process employees follow to report to management in the event of an emergency, incident, or near miss. It includes Who, What, When, Why, and How.
CriteriaSafety OrientationProcess for CompletionOrientation materials should include safety topics.
CriteriaDaily Safety HuddlesProcess for CompletionEach crew is performing Daily Safety Huddles to review job site hazards. Huddle frequency and content are documented for at least 3 months.
CriteriaOSHA 300 LogsProcess for CompletionOSHA 300 Logs - Injury & Illness Record-keeping Forms
CriteriaJob DescriptionsProcess for CompletionJob descriptions for all positions should include safety-related responsibilities.
CriteriaSafety & Employee ManualProcess for CompletionEmployee handbook includes a Safety section/segment that details company safety policies. Update safety manual in accordance with OSHA updates/standards.
CriteriaSafety Data Sheets / Globally Harmonized System Book:Process for CompletionSDS/GHS - All SDS information is gathered in a binder and/or in an online hub.


Level 2 Certification requires on-site verification of criteria by a Nolan Consulting Group designated representative. 

CriteriaProcess for Completion
CriteriaReturn to Work ProgramProcess for CompletionReturn to Work Program details how to get individuals back to work in case of injury (light-duty work, etc.).
CriteriaEquipment InspectionProcess for CompletionFor large equipment - show an equipment inspection checklist and a timeline for inspections for at least 6 months.
CriteriaA Safety Training Syllabus with Industry Specific Training Process for CompletionA syllabus showing 12 months of teaching material for the company must include training specific to your line of work. Safety training must be in place for at least 6 months.
CriteriaJob Safety InspectionsProcess for CompletionShare the process for job site inspections for safety violations; including records for at least 6 months of inspections.
CriteriaSafety MetricsProcess for CompletionShare current scores and goals for DART, EMR, TRIR
CriteriaSafety Meeting ProgramProcess for CompletionSafety meeting schedule - weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly with an attendance sheet for 9 months of safety committee meetings. (3 months for Level 1, then sustained for 6 months)
CriteriaStop Work AuthorityProcess for CompletionAnyone at the job site has the ability to stop work due to unsafe conditions – share written policy. This is included in the safety manual and covered in the orientation agenda. Share documentation of examples of when this has been used.
CriteriaPlan to Sustain Safety CultureProcess for CompletionDocument what steps the company has taken to instill and maintain a safety culture for the previous 6 months.


The final level of the Summit Safety Certification program, representing an on-going dedication and investment in Safety Culture within the organization.

CriteriaProcess for Completion
CriteriaInfection Control PlanProcess for CompletionInfection control standards in place according to CDC Guidelines.
CriteriaAnnual Safety Challenges MeetingProcess for CompletionThe company sets 1 safety goal per quarter to address an identified challenge – We must see 9 months (3 quarters) of documentation.
CriteriaSummit Safety AdvocateProcess for CompletionShare your plan for how you intend to encourage safety in the workplace throughout your industry – examples could be joining a Summit Safety Peer Group, mentoring a Summit Member in regard to safety practices in your industry, or getting involved in your community to share safety information.
CriteriaSafety BudgetProcess for CompletionFinancial planning for the safety program/department demonstrates a significant commitment to safety and includes how funds are allocated throughout the year.
CriteriaFormal Safety Audit ProcessProcess for CompletionA formal Safety Audit is completed by an independent organization (such as a captive, workers comp carrier, OSHA, etc.).
CriteriaDesignated Safety ManagerProcess for CompletionOne or more employees are designated to be in charge of safety.
CriteriaMental Health ProgramProcess for CompletionDescribe the program you have in place that addresses mental health concerns. Share how employees access that program, and how it is communicated to them.

At Nolan Consulting Group, we are determined to make sure safety is a priority and we strongly encourage clients to embrace a safety culture within their own company!  Bring it alive, make sure employees know you care; it’s critical that your employees feel safe and appreciated at work.

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