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Nolan Consulting Group

Business Coaching Programs

All successful businesses start with a clear vision – At Nolan Consulting Group (NCG), our business coaches have been helping contractors within the Painting, Landscaping, Concrete & Paving, General Contracting industries and more across the US and Canada achieve the full potential of their businesses for years.

 With a team of coaches that has decades of experience building high-performance companies, we have the skills to effectively improve your performance through focus and accountability. Our signature programs are a unique blend of consulting and coaching, advising contractors on staying accountable for their goals, and overcoming implementation obstacles to achieve the visions they have for their company.

As consultants, we help you define winning by documenting your vision (what you want from your business) and setting meaningful goals for both you and your people.

As coaches, we understand your unique strengths and weaknesses. We hold you and your team accountable and keep you focused on achieving your goals through a regular follow-up schedule.

What is your Company Vision?

Our Business Coaching Programs were designed to meet the needs of the entrepreneurial mindset. We aim to work with you to best understand your company vision as well as your personal goals to align you with a Coaching Program that is going to provide a strategic framework and tools to build your planning roadmap. Are you looking to put structure in place, scale quickly or maybe in a a place where you are ready to sell? 


During our discovery conversations, we’ll identify and discuss the best program for you as an entry point in working with Nolan Consulting Group.

Business Planning Program

Our Business Planning Program will work through the Cascading Planning Cycle (CPC), our goal-based planning system that produces guiding documents for vision achievement at all levels in an organization. It is a systematic approach that creates organizational alignment, employee engagement and exponentially increases a company’s chances of achieving the vision.

Are you ready to understand your numbers and get an implementation plan in place? 


Fast Growth Planning Program

Our Fast Growth Business Planning Program is designed to propel your business to new heights. Whether you’re a startup looking to scale quickly or an established company aiming to break through growth barriers, our program provides the strategic framework, tools, and support you need to achieve your ambitious goals. 


Do you have a fast growth mindset?


The Succession Planning Process


For those Business Owners ready to focus on selling their business or are in a place to discover their options for a succession plan, we offer a Succession Planning Program with an intentional framework to explore your exit. 

All Programs will roll into our Summit Member Group after the chosen foundational planning framework. This focuses on implementation coaching with their Business Coach, and  provides opportunities to connect with other Trades Businesses for best practices sharing and workshops and industry resources. 

This is where it comes together.
This is about putting the plan in place.


Nolan consulting group conference

The Summit Member Group provides business owners and their teams with the knowledge and support they require to take their business operations to the next level. By offering this comprehensive resource, we give contractors the tools to build their company’s future and learn from other business owners along the way. Our Summit Member conferences and workshops outline the critical elements of business success. By deep-diving into benchmarking and goal setting, we get contractors thinking about the correlation between consistency and profitability. Receive individual coaching, and group involvement in one all-encompassing program. We consider your entire company a member, not just you. So, come collaborate with us!

Group of people listening to conference
Leverage the Power of the Group
  • Annual Conferences & Workshops
  • Financial Benchmarking Seminars
  • Educational Teleconferences and Webinars
  • Peer Group Reinforcement and Accountability
  • Mastermind Group Opportunities
  • Online Document Library and Member Forums

Member Conferences & Workshops

The First Ascent

A two-day introductory workshop for new members that's held at the Nolan Consulting Group offices in Ardmore, PA. Meet the team and kick off your journey to finding your Summit through focus on the 7 Critical Elements of Success

Mastermind Meetings & Retreats

Summit Members who participate in Mastermind Groups (8-10 Companies) meet monthly via Zoom and then get together once a year for an annual retreat! These intimate meetings set the bar for goals-setting accountability, best practice discussions and desired content discussions.

Annual Grand Summit Conference

A two and a half day conference for all Summit Members held annually in a new location each year: In 2025, we're headed to the West Coast! Attendees participate in topical timely strategic and implementation issues. Seminars, guest speakers and best practice discussions are scheduled around industry-specific content areas.  Check out our 2024 Savannah Grand Summit Highlight Video!

We Know What Winning Looks Like

Through our sharing of proven best-practices and implementation techniques, together, we can take your business to new heights. Running a company doesn’t have to be a headache! Let us help you achieve your goals faster and with higher returns. We look forward to walking with you on your business journey!

Take the Next Step for Your Business