I meet so many fine people in my professional and personal travels, and one thing interesting always strikes me- nobody ever wants to admit to…
I’m a busy guy. First, there are my companies: Nolan Painting, Summit, Sayville Running Company, and Cricket Holding Co. Then there is my…
To be successful, the Crew Leader must be constantly aware of the three things on a daily basis: (1) the customer, (2) the job, and (3) the…
“Show me a raise in your performance and I will show you a raise in your pay!” In many companies, employees assume that, since it has been…
Last week we hosted several group teleconferences focused on “What’s Working” in marketing. On the calls, we used a “Mastermind” format…
It’s the end of July… the busy season is upon us. How effective is your crew – are they bringing jobs in Happy and Under? Does your…
I am always thinking about the future. So much so, that my wife is constantly telling me, “just focus on the here and now.” There is truth…
At this point in the year, many of you probably have a pile of estimates on your desk right now. Many of them you may have thought you would have…
Wow! This mural was a whole lot of WOW! (and that is in all caps!) We have done funnier, brighter, more cheery or more patriotic murals, but this one…
Last week, I sat in on a Crew Leader training session with Summit Coach Conal Mulreany. Below is a highlight from his training:
Dealing with…