I’m still on the “Know – Show – Do – Review” kick. This is because most of you are bringing in new hires this month. It’s very important to have…
In November of 2010, Summit Services, Inc, made the transition to Cloud Computing with great success. As a result, we got rid of our in-house…
Good communication is critical to an organization. Though this may seem obvious, the reality is organizations struggle every day with…
Getting out of the hourglass means getting things done through other people. However, as Kevin discussed in last week’s blog, people do things…
Excerpts from Jill Reed’s Conference call on April 22, 2011
Matching the Call to Your Brand
The incoming call process is often the first impression…
When I think about leadership, I think about two things — Empathy and Vision. I think why would anybody do what I ask them to do? Why would I…
Recently, Summit Sales Trainer, Jim Falk, hosted an awesome teleconference entitled, “How To Do 20 Bids a Week.” On the call, Jim covered time…
At the most recent Summit regional workshops, we spent a lot of time talking about company Values. Having clear values, that represent what you…
Last Friday, I was able to join Summit Coach Jim Falk for a phone conference on Talkin’ Money. Jim started the phone call reviewing the initial…
The busy season is fast approaching. Do you know your goals? Being an effective leader means showing your team (1) where they are headed and (2)…